Quick Life Update
Hey, folx! It's been a little while since I've posted on here, so I'm going to give a little update on what I've been up to lately.
What is an Erudite?
I've been spending a lot more time reading recently since I bought my first Kindle. I've tried the ebook thing with Apple Books for a while, but something about it didn't seem to stick. I think it might have had something to do with the fact that I already have enough issues with my attention span. When my book is telling me, "hey, something cool is happening on Twitter," it's even harder for me to commit to a dedicated reading session. Having the portability of the delightful Kindle Paperwhite without the internet tugging on my sleeve has been a boon for what used to be — and is regaining its place as — one of my favorite pastimes.
And, yes, I know I could turn on do not disturb on my iPad.
Every Other, Other, (Other), Wednesday
I've had some health-type problems recently. Mixed between fun depression times and a bout of Norovirus, we've been a little bit behind when it comes to the recording schedule of EOW. We are working on getting back into the groove. This week's episode was a load of fun to record, and I'm looking forward to getting it to your ear holes before the end of the day. Thanks for bearing with us and listening to my dumb random side project.
Insurance explainer
Another side project I'm currently working on is an excellent explainer for health insurance. Working in the industry has been incredibly eye-opening, and there is a depth to the system that can be very difficult to plumb. I'm working on some mind-mapping for the piece. I'm trying to figure out if I want to make it into an in-depth article, or if I want to produce an explainer video. The latter would require me learning how to animate, so that's not incredibly likely. More to come on this in the future.
New tech, same nerd
Life happens; things come up; it's essential to have an emergency fund available. I tell myself these things as I double-click the side button on my phone to approve yet another Apple Pay purchase. This past weekend I was having a red-banner day; the sun was shining; it was warm and beautiful out, my antidepressants were working — the perfect day to participate in late capitalism.
I went out, treated myself to a great lunch paired with an even greater Bloody Mary. After that, I drove my happy little self down to the Apple Store to pick up the new Generation 2 AirPods. The Apple Store had just sold their last pair — imagine the heartbreak as I opened the Apple Store app on my phone and requested they be delivered to my house instead. They should arrive around May, roughly the same time as my Brydge keyboard for my iPad was going to come.
But, I was there, so I felt obligated by forces beyond my control or understanding to walk out with something anyway. I finally caved and picked up the Smart Keyboard for the new iPad Pro, and I sure as hell love it. It's what I'm writing the post on right now.
Odds and sods
Here are a few other things that have happened since the last time I checked in:
- I got an update from the Air Force Discharge Review Board that my Discharge is still being Reviewed
- I found a new podcast that I enjoy. It's called Corner of the Sky. Each episode Quinn Rose is joined by a guest to discuss a different musical. I discovered it courtesy of Merlin Mann who joined Quinn to discuss gender equity and a bunch of other wonderful things. [Listen here](https://overcast.fm/+JPh4KLQtc).
- I've begun to consume Bang energy drinks at an alarming rate.
- The black hole known as Tik Tok has sucked me into its depths and I fear I cannot escape.
That's about everything for now. Thanks for reading!