Oh, hello there. I haven’t decided what text belongs here yet.

Geriatric Freshman

I just finished my first week of college and, holy shit, I'm over the moon. I'm still getting quite a few things figured out. How to pay for parking while making a 40 minute commute, when exactly to wake up so I can make the commute and still get to all my classes, how much to drink the night before so I can get out of bed to make the commute to make it to my classes — the normal things.

Starting college at 25 is weird. While I'm still relatively young, I still feel a bit like a geriatric patient walking around a bunch of high-school-aged caretakers.

"Grandpa, it's called a TikTok. It's really popular, kind of like how floppy disks and Limewire were popular when you were our age."

Just kidding, they probably don't even know what Limewire was.

I'm exaggerating, obviously. However, I do feel a little bit slower than these damn kids with their boosted boards and optimism. I hope I can learn a thing or two from them. Maybe I'll even teach them something myself.


Happy Thanksgiving