Oh, hello there. I haven’t decided what text belongs here yet.

On Sacrifice

Something I've taken heart in recently is the marked increase in posts from friends about Palestinian liberation. Many people who never posted publicly about any political message or movement are posting in support of and solidarity with the profound act of protest carried out by Aaron Bushnell. There is a deep frustration and rage that I feel resonates with many Americans. This has been amplified by the friction between the will of the majority in our so-called democracy, and the actions of our government.

The majority of Americans seek the end of Israel's campaign of slaughter. We have been voicing this collective frustration in every avenue that is considered permissible. When permissible actions fall on deaf ears, the impermissible becomes the only option available.

Some of the last words Aaron spoke before he was engulfed in flames were "This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal." It's true. The ruling class has decided that peaceful protest, countless calls made, endless emails and letters written to representatives, offering public testimony, and so on didn't work. Self-immolation is the last and most extreme act of nonviolent protest someone can perform.

An active duty Airman in uniform lighting himself ablaze is harder to discard than an unread letter to your congressman.

Free Palestine. Solidarity forever.

Members of the US military who want expert, confidential advice on how to get out, protest or resist can call the GI Rights Hotline 24/7 at 1-877-447-4487 or visit their website

This Journal Will Fix Me*

Unforgiving Steel and Stone