The post-debate coverage has been absolutely mental. We have been telling liberals for months — YEARS, even — that Biden is an incompetent candidate. If the DNC truly felt that Trump was the existential threat they keep telling us he is, they wouldn't have tapped Biden to be the nominee.
From CNN:
It would not be an easy process since Biden is already the Democrats’ presumptive nominee and the overwhelming choice of primary voters. He faced little opposition during the primary season, and the fact that he won nearly all of the party’s delegates means it’s very unlikely he’d be forced out of the race against his will.
The only reason Biden is the overwhelming choice of primary voters is because the DNC didn't allow any opposition to confront this sundowning corpse. This Weekend at Bernie's routine isn't going to beat Trump in November. We deserve better. Too bad the Democrats fucked us out of that opportunity with their usual love-to-lose-races drek.