Dylan Bickers

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Dear Rep Omar:

Representative Omar,

You don’t represent me. I don’t mean that in an ideological sense, only in a geographical sense. You represent my ideas, my dreams and my hopes for the future of this nation. You represent my progressive ideals and the realization of an America that understands the lives of those who have come to this country. The dream that people may be themselves, honor themselves and honor their families and their heritage. I am a Jew. I know how hard it can be to exist and have people genuinely believe you are evil, that you are the enemy. I didn’t learn I am a Jew until the past few years. The threats and hatred didn’t knock at my door before I was aware of this fact. No, the hate came when I was honest about who I am. The hate came when I became vocal about my — for lack of a better word, Jewishness.

People who looked at me as a friend and equal, people who claimed to love me, seemed to slip away as soon as I embraced who I am. You never had that privilege.

I was a white kid raised as a Catholic. I have, and my loved ones have experienced the darkest abuses that behemoth has to offer. Our family kept our Jewish heritage a secret because my ancestors escaped the horrors of the Third Reich because they were not naive.

I have been naive. I have been foolish in my understanding that inequality is something that is terrible, but experienced by others. I have been naïve because I never took the time to check my privilege.

I am a Jew. I am ashamed of my past; the past where my family was ashamed to tell me who I am. I am hopeful for a future where the working class can live in a world where their existence is appreciated — not just exploited. I am hopeful for the working people to stand up and realize their worth. I am hopeful that my brothers and sisters who work themselves to the bone learn their value. I am hopeful that we all wake up to the foolishness that has plagued our country for the past innumerable years. I am hopeful that my brothers and sisters who work themselves to the bone don’t just know their value; I hope that their true value is respected and fought for.

Rep. Omar, you do not have an easy job. That job is one I don’t envy, even though I would love the opportunity to represent the interests of the poor, the disabled, the Jews, the disenfranchised Muslim kids whose teachers lay emotional mines around their lives that are set to detonate the moment an open minded kid takes half a step towards them — and towards understanding.

Rep. Omar, you are an inspiration. I admire you immensely, and I will be more than happy to do whatever I can to ensure you, AOC and the rest of the Congressional League stays in office. I will do everything I can to make sure Bernie wins in my state. I will do everything I can to wake my friends and neighbors up to their privilege, to their potential, and to their value in making sure the establishment capitalist entrenched authorities understand that their time is limited. Their power is limited. Their influence is waning because the American people are waking up to the American Nightmare of capitalism.

Best wishes, Rep. Omar.

Many healthy returns, and I hope daily for your safety.

-Dylan Fitzpatrick Bickers